Friday, August 20, 2010

In Film: Sherlock Holmes

This movie has been sitting in the netflix red envelope on my entertainment center for two months.  Granted, my life has been pretty damn hectic lately, but I was never "in the mood" to watch it.  I finally had enough and forced myself to watch it.  In my opinion, it's a fairly good movie.  The action is fun, the acting is good, and the sets, while highly stylized and unrealistic, are visually stunning.  There were a few problems I had with the movie.  The first problem was that the character of Sherlock Holmes was turned into an alcoholic fighting machine.  Anyone who's a fan of the actual series may find this new Holmes a bit too superhero-like.  I understand why the movie did this, but ultimately feel that the character veers too far from the books.  The biggest problem I had with the movie also relates to the books.  When reading a sherlock holmes book, part of the fun is trying to figure out the mysteries on your own before the big reveal.  In the film, however, you would have to be Miss Cleo to see any of the far fetched and completely out there results.  On a final note, there's a large amount of homoerotic subtext between Holmes and Watson which in my opinion actually does add some depth to the characters.  Who would have guessed, Holmes and Watson, the original "Bromance!"

The Good:  The sets, the acting and the action scenes are fun and keep you enthralled throughout the movie.

The Bad:  Holmes' character veers too far from the books, and ultimately is an alcoholic, everyman superhero.

The Ugly:  The solutions to the mysteries are so far fetched that it doesn't allow the viewer to even come close to the outcome on their own.

The Synopsis:  Rent it, on blu-ray.  It is visually stunning, but there's no need to watch it more than once.


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