Thursday, September 9, 2010

In Film: Shutter Island

Either this movie was so completely smart and over my head or I'm a fairly intellectual person and it was just too far fetched.  I think that Scorsese had a bout of insanity himself and channelled M. Night Shyamalan during the filming of this movie. "Twist!"  I'm not going to give anything away (I probably couldn't even if I tried!).  At the end of this movie, all I could think of was Peter Griffin's review of "The Godfather."  And like that poignant review, this movie too, "Insists upon itself."

The Good:  I'm not a fan of Leo DiCaprio, but he actually did an amazing acting job.  Also, there was quite a bit of suspense involved which kept me intrigued (I only played with my iPhone once!).

The Bad:  It seemed to me that the story had a lot of holes in it, whether it was purposeful or not.

The Ugly:  The twists! Can't there be suspenseful movies now without some off-the wall twist at the end, then a reshowing of all the clues that were in the movie that you missed to make you feel like an idiot?

Synopsis:  If you're a die-hard Scorsese fan or really like psychological thrillers, rent it.  Don't waste the money on buying though.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Gadgets: Apple TV

This isn't an actual review because, well, I don't have the Apple TV.  Think of it more as a preview.  September 1st, Apple announced it's new line of iPods, iTunes and the Apple TV.  The new version of the TV is jam-packed with amazing features such as HD rentals, both TV and movie, Netflix, Flickr and media streaming from all your devices.  What excites me most is a new feature called AirPlay that allows you to wirelessly stream content from your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.  No cables required, just run the app on the device and stream away!  The next big shocker is the price-tag...$99!  I think I may have to get one, how about you?

In TV: Archer

I really hadn't heard too much about this show when it came out, only a brief interview of Aisha Tyler on Chelsea Lately one night.  I was bored, nothing good was on TV, so I put on the netflix instant view and found this little gem!  I ended up watching eight episodes back to back before I fell asleep, then woke up and watched the last two!  This show is hillarious! It's definitely NOT for kids, so be warned.  Voiced by tons of amazing people, you will not be dissappointed.  The entire first season is on instant view, so definitely check it out.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

In Film: He's Just Not That Into You

You know, it wasn't all that bad.  It's one of those romantic comedies just like every other romantic comedy.  I guess the only big difference is the huge ensemble cast.  Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connely and a whole bunch more!  Jennifer Connely did an amazing job (granted, she's the only one that had to act with emotions).  It's all based on the premise that guys treat women like shit because they like them and what happens when the women realize that they treat them like shit because they actually DON'T like them.

The Good:  Jennifer Connely actually acted her ass off and did it with gusto.

The Bad:  There's not much substance to it, and it feels really long for some reason.

The Ugly:  I guess I should say "SPOILER!" but you could probably figure this out yourself, everything works out for everybody in the end.  That just pisses me off!

Synopsis:  I caught it on HBO for free.  Don't pay to watch it.  If you're bored or on a date, go ahead and watch it on HBO or get it on Netflix, but don't you dare waste your hard earned money on it!
