Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In TV: Archer

I really hadn't heard too much about this show when it came out, only a brief interview of Aisha Tyler on Chelsea Lately one night.  I was bored, nothing good was on TV, so I put on the netflix instant view and found this little gem!  I ended up watching eight episodes back to back before I fell asleep, then woke up and watched the last two!  This show is hillarious! It's definitely NOT for kids, so be warned.  Voiced by tons of amazing people, you will not be dissappointed.  The entire first season is on instant view, so definitely check it out.



  1. I cant wait for the second season. I discovered this show flipping channels one night and fell in love. Too bad it comes on FX at a horrible time slot

  2. yeah, luckily the first season was all on Netflix Instant View! Maybe I'll DVR the second season and we can watch it on the weekends!

  3. No you WILL DVR the second season lol!
