At first I was reluctant to watch this movie. I heard very little about it, but what I had heard was generally good. It sat in the red envelope for more than a week before I finally decided to watch it so I could send it back and get something new. The beginning is like any other murder mystery buildup, fairly well done. Mark Wahlberg's acting isn't completely heinous, but I still expect him to flop his shlong out and call himself a star. Susan Sarandon, however, is amazing as always. Once the murder happens, the movie takes an extremely pleasant turn. The rest of the movie is stunningly beautiful and suspenseful and creepy. I would recommend this movie to anyone and am planning on owning it soon.
The Good: The cinematography and CG are unbelieably beautiful and fun to watch. Definitely get it on Blu-Ray as opposed to DVD.
The Bad: The beginning tends to drag a little, but just hang on, it'll get a lot better!
The Ugly: I think they could have chosen someone better than Marky Mark.