Monday, June 14, 2010

In TV: True Blood Season 3 Episode 1

Well, I'm not going to give anything away, so no need to worry if you haven't seen it yet.  The fact of the matter is, I finished season two yesterday, realized it was the premiere of season 3, so I called Direct TV and ordered HBO.  The first episode continued in the story just mere moments after the last episode from season 2.  With that being said, the episode itself was more of a precedent setting episode than an action episode.  Still, it had enough action and intrigue and of course, a cliffhanger ending like all the rest.  So let's see, Sookie's in trouble, Bill's in trouble, Jessica's in trouble, Eric's in trouble, Lafayette's in trouble, Jason's in trouble, need I go on?  This season is shaping up to be a BIG one.  Alan Ball says this will be the best season yet!  Can't wait!


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