Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In Film: W.

I know what you're thinking...a movie about good ol' G.W.?!?  But in all honesty, it was a really good movie!  It kind of made you feel sorry for the guy.  He's just a simple country boy who wanted to be president, made it on the coattails of his father, and was told what to do the whole time he was in office.  As far as the movie goes, the acting was absolutely phenomenal!  Josh Brolin as G.W., Elizabeth Banks as Laura, James Cromwell as George Sr. and Ellen Burstyn as Barbara.  And that's just the Bush family!  His cabinet was chock full of fantastic actors too!  Overall, Oliver Stone did the story justice, and I would recommend the film to anyone who likes biographical or political movies.

The Good:  Top thing about this movie is absolutely the acting, Josh Brolin nails G.W. and so do the rest of the cast.

The Bad:  It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm personally not really into politics, so the political talk did get a bit tiresome.

The Ugly:  The one fault I found with this movie were some fantasy cut scenes throughout the movie where G.W. was in a baseball field and he would either catch the ball or not see it at all.  I understand the symbolism, but it seemed very out of place.

Synopsis:  If you're just looking to watch a good movie, rent it.  If you're a Bush fan, biographical film fan or political fan, then you may want to own this movie.


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