Monday, June 7, 2010

In Film: El Orfanato or The Orphanage

If you've seen Pan's Labyrinth, then you know the genius that is Guillermo Del Toro.  My friend Dean finally made me watch this movie after I had brushed it off for months.  Thank you Dean! The movie is scary, well-acted and extremely well thought out.  A definite must see, then own!  Watch it now, before the english version gets made and ruins it for you.

The Good: The acting is absolutely incredible.  The actors make the emotions and suspense tangible.  If you watch movies for the story, then this plot will leave you wanting for nothing more.  The ending, which in most horror movies is absolute crap, is perfect and you won't be pissed off when the movie is over.

The Bad: The only negative thing I could say is that some people may not enjoy reading subtitles.

The Ugly: Watch it with a friend near!

Synopsis: Overall, I would probably put this in my top 10 movies of all time.  It's just one of those movies that was put together with all the right ingredients; actors, story and of course Guillermo Del Toro.


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