Saturday, September 4, 2010

In Film: Law Abiding Citizen

David was looking for a movie with a real plot to get involved in the other night, so we sat down and watched "Law Abiding Citizen."  All I can say is, we were not dissapointed!  This movie definitely has the plot, action and twists & turns to keep you intrigued.  The Director, F Gary Gray, is best known for movies like "Friday", "The Italian Job" and "Set it Off."  The movie is about a man, Gerard Butler, whose wife and daughter are brutally murdered.  The killer basically goes free after three years due to judicial system downfalls.  10 years later, he starts killing off everyone involved in the case and tries to tutor the attorney who tried the case, Jamie Foxx.  Luckily the movie is on Netflix Instant View, so you don't even have to pay extra to get it!  It's not in HD though, so if you're a pixel snob, you may have to order the blu-ray or buy it. 

The Good:  Great plot! One thing that I really love about this movie is that the time between events is short enough to keep your attention, and even surprise you at times.

The Bad:  Honestly...I'm not a huge fan of Jamie Foxx, I think they could have gone with a lesser known actor, or a more distinguished actor.

The Ugly:  Not a huge deal, but after a little bit, some of the twists did become a little predictable and even far fetched.

Synopsis:  Absolutely watch this movie!  Like I said, it's on Netflix Instant View, so at the very least watch the standard definition version there!


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